Voice Recognition

Remarkable Results Across Specialties

Productivity Tools

Customizable autotexts allow users to expand frequently used text by dictating a single word.

Turnkey Solution

Say goodbye to training and user profiles, Crescendo Speech provides impressive results out of the box.

Affordable Recognition

Take advantage of both front and back-end recognition bundled into a single license.

Voice Control

Crescendo Speech is fully integrated into the Centro solution and can be used with both traditional documents and forms. The ability to use auto text with voice recognition is also available, enabling the user to simply mention a word for expansion into commonly used sentences, paragraphs, or even entire reports. The activation of speech allows the user to quickly input information with voice and even permits navigation through sections within forms. The speech engine offers users the ability to use voice commands, which allows for navigation and control within the Centro application. Within forms, a user can jump between fields, insert text, select from drop-down menus and operate checkboxes, all using voice commands.

A man dictating using a headset
Front-End Recognition
Front-end speech recognition allows clinicians to oversee the entire documentation workflow, from dictation and correction to sign off and final report distribution, using one single interface. Front-end mode is an invaluable tool where a high level of ‘normal’ reports, short dictations and form-fill dictation typically occurs, such as Radiology, Pathology, and ER. It is also ideal for weekend and night shifts, when minimal transcription resources are available. Integrated and customizable voice commands allow the user to easily navigate, edit, format and sign-off the report by simply using voice.
Back-End Recognition
Back-end speech recognition gives user the freedom to dictate as they normally would, while Crescendo Speech translates their words to text automatically in the background. Completely imperceptible to the author, the dictation is transcribed and can then be sent to a qualified transcription resource for review or presented to the physician for review and signature, depending on the workflow configured.
Quality Results
Crescendo Speech boasts incredible accuracy rates upon first use, with no need for voice training. Developed with the latest in speech technologies, the engine's considerable corpus is built on terminology derived from multiple specialties, allowing the application to provide quality recognition across an entire facility without the need for specialized contexts.
Multilingual Support

Crescendo Speech is ideal for bilingual settings, allowing users to switch between English and French on the fly.

Accent Tolerance

The Crescendo Speech engine adapts to each speaker’s specific vocal characteristics.

Stay Mobile

Crescendo Speech is optimized for back-end use with the suite of Centro Mobile applications.

Track Results

The optional C-Stats module allows system administrators to track user accuracy and productivity instantly.

Simple Maintenance

There are no user profiles to set up and manage with Crescendo Speech, just pick up the microphone and dictate.

Dictate Anywhere

Dictating in a busy ward? Crescendo Speech filters out ambient background sounds and produces reliable text.

Crescendo Speech and Centro

Automated Template Recall

When a new dictation is created, the system recalls the template, populates the demographics, and displays information on the screen in less than a second, relieving the physician of completing these time consuming tasks.

Voice Navigation

Navigate and complete forms with Centro simply by using voice. The activation of speech allows the user to quickly input information with voice, and even permits navigation through sections within the form.

Stop Typing and Save Time

Let Speech Recognition improve your productivity