Mobile Solutions

Access Your Work Anywhere

Report On The Go

Input vital information, access patient history, create or sign off a report from the patient’s bedside, on home care visits or anywhere you please.

Improve Accuracy

Reporting immediately following a patient visit produces a more detailed record, as the information collected is still top of mind.

Mobile Optimized

Designed for maximum efficiency, the mobile suite improves the user experience on an array of portable devices.

Applications For Everyone

Smart phones and tablets have become primary devices for providers, improving quality as well as communication across care settings. With the suite of mobile Centro applications, all of the basic functionality of the Centro application is available, allowing caregivers to input vital information immediately into the patient record, view the patient summary and past medical history, even sign off completed reports with a tap. Immediate access to vital patient information allows providers to make informed decisions based on relevant, always up-to-date data.

Centro Mobile is available for Smartphone users, providing essential functionality with the ability to view, create and sign-off reports while allowing the clinician to consult current patient lists, past medical histories, as well as pending files. For those that simply want to dictate using their Smartphone, DigiDictate Mobile is the ideal solution, allowing fingertip access to patient information and to-do lists, while producing voice files that are suitable for back-end speech recognition.
The Centro Web and Centro Rounds applications provide tablet users with the essential functionality of the Centro solution. Users can view, create and sign-off reports while also having the ability to consult current patient lists and past medical histories, as well as pending files, from any location.
Digital Recorder
Crescendo offers traditionalists the option to use handheld digital recording devices. With a wide array of options, users can select their preferred device, from slide-switch recorders that mimic the functionality of a traditional tape recorder to the more modern push button models. The digital voice files are automatically imported into the Crescendo system and treated in the same manner as files dictated over PC or telephone and can also be processed by the speech engine. For a wide variety of supported devices, refer to the DigiBox store.
Homecare Solutions

Homecare agents, nurses or physicians can remotely access and collect vital patient information and report off-site, safely and securely.

No Downtime

Once complete, the dictation is quickly and seamlessly transferred to transcription or background recognition, resulting in prompt turnaround of reports.

Replace Bulky Hardware

Mobile devices are a cost-effective solution to replacing antiquated microphones, hardwired dictate stations and cassettes.

Safe And Seamless File Transfer

Crescendo’s background file transfer immediately handles the delivery of files according to the specified workflow, while remaining imperceptible to the user.

A Recorder In Your Pocket

No need for a dedicated dictate station or recorder to begin reporting, clinicians can easily and securely document at their convenience with no need for specialized devices.

Get Mobile Today

Download DigiDictate Mobile from the App Store or Google Play for free